Lets Vote On It

Lets Vote On It


Product code: HP00055869


A colourful and highly informative child's introduction to democracy and the workings of parliament explaining how citizens can influence decision making through the democratic process.

Part of the British Values series for Key Stage 2 students: Promoting fundamental British values as part of spiritual, moral, social and cultural development.

Aimed at Key Stage 2 this new range of books provides key Fundamental British Values content in a highly accessible and enjoyable format.

Further Information

Age Suitable from
5 Years
Key Stage
Key Stage 2
Product Type
British Values

A colourful and highly informative child's introduction to democracy and the workings of parliament explaining how citizens can influence decision making through the democratic process.

Part of the British Values series for Key Stage 2 students: Promoting fundamental British values as part of spiritual, moral, social and cultural development.

Aimed at Key Stage 2 this new range of books provides key Fundamental British Values content in a highly accessible and enjoyable format.

Further Information

Age Suitable from
5 Years
Key Stage
Key Stage 2
Product Type
British Values

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